"It is a truth universally acknowledged,

that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

Exemplary Vegetables

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Dive into a world of witty remarks and vegetable-inspired mirth. Exemplary Vegetables invites you to enjoy a good laugh while poking fun at the Jane Austen classics.

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If you listened...

“I'm so excited to bring bonnets back! Your both a hoot! I could listen to Elizabeth sing parodies all day. The way they cover the Pride And Prejudice adaptations is *chef's kiss* silly and wonderful.”
“I'm a single woman living with my parents. I was pretty sure I was never going to meet someone. But listening about Charlotte finding Mr. Collins gave me new hope. I joined a dating site and I'm going on my first date in a decade next week.”
“I can't make up my mind who is the good sister and who is the bad sister. Pretty sure Elizabeth is the bad sister, but I also know the quiet ones are always naughty ”

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